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Marisa Belli
Specialist in Womens Health and Paediatrics

Acupuncture &
Cranio Sacral Therapy

07979 815759

About Me

How I Can Help

I have been an acupuncturist for almost 20 years specialising in womens health and fertility. 

Womens health has always been my main area of practise due to the lack of support and adequate information given to women and girls over the years. Things are improving but helping women understand that there are viable and positive alternatives to improve their gynae health is really important to me.


Having worked with all the fertility clinics in the region and even within TFP Nurture here in the East Midlands I am very conversant with the protocols and the medications used during the various assisted fertility (AF) journeys.  As a gynaecology expert I have also helped many women and teenagers through various menstrual irregularities such as endometriosis, PCOS as well as the endless perimenopause/menopausal issues. 


Over the last few years I have completed training in paediatrics and can now use the many Chinese Medical techniques for children to help with many conditions. 


Alongside acupuncture I am a Cranio Sacral Therapist, having trained in a London college that now allows me to treat any structural or stress related issues associated with musculo- skeletal trauma and any condition associated with the central nervous system.

 Five Element Acupuncture

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Five Element Acupuncture is a medicine that focuses on the person as a whole. We do not just look at and understand the condition and the problems associated with it but the roots of how it came about. To understand the root or trigger of a problem. We need to spend more time understanding a person on all levels. Our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing are inter-linked and we cannot treat one without the others being affected.

This principle is the foundation of Chinese medicine and has been around for centuries. Interestingly Western medicine is now catching up and is recognising the importance and impact of our mental and emotional health on our physical body but are left with only the ability to treat many conditions with medication.


We use the law of Five Elements to correct any imbalance within the body by understanding the energy and how it moves around the body. When it becomes imbalanced it manifests itself as an ailment or issue over time. This imbalance is what the practitioner corrects. 


Each of us has a certain energy type and this energy paired with life experience, trauma, upbringing, diet etc creates our uniqueness. Thus, despite two people having the same issue they would not be treated in the same way.


With almost 20 years experience, I’ve slowly incorporated different types of acupuncture into my practise. During our sessions, I will come up with a treatment plan that works for you individually.


Acupuncture for Womens Health & Fertility


Acupuncture helps both men and women during the AF process and more research is being accepted amongst wider medical fields that there are several benefits to having acupuncture before during and after IVF to reduce stress, improve the efficacy of the medication, whilst reducing the side effects. All of which help improve outcomes. 

Most gynaecology conditions and symptoms can be treated with Chinese Medicine as the problems are understood and recognised to be types of energy blocks and patterns. In all cases we treat the person as a whole and often other ailments that are associated with hormonal imbalances are treated too.


Pain, irregular bleeding and hormonal irregularities are all treatable and eased with acupuncture. Young girls who suffer, benefit immensely from seeing a practitioner early in their menstrual life, in order to eradicate any future gynaecological issues. 

Perimenopause /Menopausal issues are endless and can vary from women to women. If you are struggling with hot flushes, brain fog, sleep, memory and anxiety led symptoms then acupuncture can help. The above issues are just a few that can be eased. There are too many to list!! 


Please get in touch for a chat if you are struggling

Acupuncture for Babies and Children

This encompasses a variety of Chinese medicine techniques that does not always involve needles. 

Acupressure, massage and shonishin tools  that roll along the skin but do not penetrate are just as effective. If needles are used  in older children most children do not feel them as a different type of needle is used to those used on adults.

Each treatment is individualised to the child each person is treated as a whole, rather than just their symptoms alone. Compared to adults young children are far more responsive to treatment as their energy is not only purer but the condition isn’t so deeply embedded into the body system.

Most ailments need a few sessions and the parent will always be given advice, techniques  and tools where necessary to take home and continue until the next session.

During the sessions lifestyle changes and adaptations to a diet or routine may be recommended, in order to speed up the process or enhance results. Though this will fully depend on the problem and the child in question.

Some examples of treatable conditions:-

Skin problems


Eating and digestive issues

Recurring infections

Sleep Disorders


Bladder and bedwetting issues

Help with ADHD/ADD 


Common ailments in teenagers:-


Panic attacks 

Chronic fatigue

Mental clarity/memory 


Mental health/ trauma


Many more issues can be helped if you need advice for something not listed please get in touch.


Cranio Sacral Therapy

Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle non invasive technique where the practitioner engages with the bodies natural rhythmic energy emanating from the central nervous system. It is a cross between osteopathy and massage and where muscle skeletal trauma can be assessed and corrected through the lightest of touch. Hence it is ideal for all ages, even newborn babies.

The practitioner can affect tissue and fascia deep within the body to alleviate a muiltitude of problems associated with different injuries. Fascia and muscle hold memory not just of physical trauma but of emotional too. They come hand in hand. CST is able to release the trauma and allow the body to heal naturally.

CST is very effective at treating birth trauma, especially where intervention such as forceps or ventouse is required. During birth the baby’s head is compressed, a natural process to allow the safe passage. However, delicate bones, vessels and nerves may become distorted and injured causing ailments and problems with the child as the body grows and forms. Sinus, ear problems and feeding issues are common complaints that often come about through the impingements caused during birth, all of which can be rectified effectively and easily with Cranio Sacral Therapy.


Some examples of treatable conditions:-

In babies /children

Colic, Reflux, Feeding Problems

Poor sleep

Recurring ear infections

Glue ear

Weak Joints

Sinus problems

Get in touch for further advice. If there is an issue that isn’t listed above please enquire as Chinese Medicine maybe an alternative.

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£75 for initial treatment 1.5 hrs

£50 follow up 45 mins to hour



Babies/ toddlers  up to 11 

£50  includes prior consultation to treatment up to 45 mins

£30 follow up 30 mins

Cranio Therapy


£50 1 hr


£30 1/2 hr

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